NHS Digital Data Release Register - reformatted

Nuvia Ltd

Opt outs honoured: Y

Basis: Section 251 approval is in place for the flow of identifiable data

Format: Identifiable Sensitive

How often: Ongoing

When: unknown — 11/2016

HSCIC Id: DARS-NIC-147834-LHQ2R-v0.0

Data: MRIS - Cause of Death Report

Data: MRIS - Cause of Death Report

Data: MRIS - Cohort Event Notification Report

Data: MRIS - Scottish NHS / Registration

Data: MRIS - Cohort Event Notification Report

Data: MRIS - Scottish NHS / Registration

Data: MRIS - Bespoke

Project info

Objective: An epidemiological study of past and present employees to determine the risks from radiation at low levels of exposure. The study is especially concerned with the indication of malignancies which may not be adequately reflected in mortality statistics.

Objective: The aim of the study is to describe the mortality experience of past and present employees of the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, with special reference to the effects of radiation exposure on mortality. This will be done by;
a) Comparing within the AWRE the mortality of radiation with that of non-radiation workers
b) Comparing the mortality of radiation workers at varying levels of radiation exposure to establish whether there is any evidence of a dose-dependent excess of mortality.
c) Determining whether deaths from specific diseases, especially malignancies, are more common among radiation workers than among non-radiation workers and, if so, their relationship to level of radiation exposure; and
d) Comparing the mortality of AWRE employees with that of the working population in the UK.

Source: NHS Digital.