NHS Digital Data Release Register - reformatted
NHS Cambridge And Peterborough Ccg projects
58 data files in total were disseminated unsafely (information about files used safely is missing for TRE/"system access" projects).
🚩 NHS Cambridge And Peterborough Ccg was sent multiple files from the same dataset, in the same month, both with optouts respected and with optouts ignored. NHS Cambridge And Peterborough Ccg may not have compared the two files, but the identifiers are consistent between datasets, and outside of a good TRE NHS Digital can not know what recipients actually do.
Project 1 — NIC-38002-S3K0V
Opt outs honoured: Y, N
Legal basis: Section 251 approval is in place for the flow of identifiable data, Health and Social Care Act 2012
Purposes: ()
Sensitive: Sensitive
When:2017.06 — 2017.05.
Access method: Ongoing
Data-controller type:
Sublicensing allowed:
- Local Provider Data - Acute
- Local Provider Data - Ambulance
- Local Provider Data - Community
- Local Provider Data - Demand for Service
- Local Provider Data - Diagnostic Services
- Local Provider Data - Emergency Care
- Local Provider Data - Experience Quality and Outcomes
- Local Provider Data - Mental Health
- Local Provider Data - Other not elsewhere classified
- Local Provider Data - Population Data
- Local Provider Data - Primary Care
- SUS Accident & Emergency data
- SUS Admitted Patient Care data
- SUS Outpatient data
- Children and Young People's Health Services Data Set
- Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Data Set
- Maternity Services Dataset
- Mental Health Services Data Set
- SUS (Accident & Emergency, Inpatient and Outpatient data)
- Local Provider Data - Acute, Ambulance, Community, Demand for Service, Diagnostic Services, Emergency Care, Experience Quality and Outcomes, Mental Health, Other not elsewhere classified, Population Data, Primary Care
Type of data:
SUS and Local Provider Data - Renewal of existing agreement (NIC-322238-S0R5Fexpiry:31/03/2016) for NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG to continue to use data identifiable at the level of NHS number to provide intelligence to support commissioning of health services. The amendment is for the request of local provider data which was not included in the previous ASH DSA. The NHS number is required to ensure that analysis of health care provision can be completed to support the needs of the health profile of the population within the CCG area based on analysis of patient data across health pathways.
Expected Benefits:
1) Supporting Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) to review demand management and pathways.
2) Supporting Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for specific disease types.
3) Health economic modelling using:
(a) Analysis on provider performance against 18 weeks wait targets.
(b) Learning from and predicting likely patient pathways for certain conditions, in order to influence early interventions and other treatments for patients.
(c) Analysis of outcome measures for differential treatments, accounting for the full patient pathway.
(d) Analysis to understand emergency care and linking A&E and Emergency Urgent Care Flows (EUCC) flows.
4) Commissioning cycle support for grouping and re-costing previous activity.
5) Enables monitoring of:
(a) CCG outcome indicators.
(b) Non-financial validation of activity.
(c) Successful delivery of integrated care within the CCG.
(d) Checking frequent or multiple attendances to improve early intervention and avoid admissions.
(e) Case management.
(f) Care service planning.
(g) Commissioning and performance management.
(h) List size verification by GP practices.
(i) Understanding the care of patients in nursing homes.
6) Feedback to NHS service providers on data quality at an aggregate and individual record level.
The provision of the ASH data has benefited the CCG by
• NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough CCG are a very large CCG operating without a CSU and with a direct relationship to North of England DSCRO. The ASH level data enable the CCG to have conversations with GP’s in order to directly impact on and improve the care of patients.
• Without ASH level data NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough CCG would not have been able to support clinicians who have legitimate clinical relationships with patients to understand the entire pathway they are following. This has helped drive change across the system and improve patient care as part of QIPP and many other aspects of clinical commissioning.
1) Commissioner reporting:
(a) Summary by provider view - plan & actuals year to date (YTD).
(b) Summary by Patient Outcome Data (POD) view - plan & actuals YTD.
(c) Summary by provider view - activity & finance variance by POD.
(d) Planned care by provider view - activity & finance plan & actuals YTD.
(e) Planned care by POD view - activity plan & actuals YTD.
(f) Provider reporting.
(g) Statutory returns.
(h) Statutory returns - monthly activity return.
(i) Statutory returns - quarterly activity return.
(j) Delayed discharges.
(k) Quality & performance referral to treatment reporting.
2) Readmissions analysis.
3) Production of aggregate reports for CCG Business Intelligence.
4) Production of project / programme level dashboards.
5) Monitoring of acute / community / mental health quality matrix.
6) Clinical coding reviews / audits.
7) Budget reporting down to individual practice level.
1) SUS Data is sent from the SUS Repository to North England DSCRO. Prior to the release of SUS data by North England DSCRO Type 2 objections will be applied and the relevant patients’ data redacted
2) Receipt of Identifiable SUS data from North England [DSCRO office] Data Services for Commissioners Regional Office (DSCRO) identifiable at the level of NHS number is linked with local provider data.
3) Data quality management and standardisation of data is completed by the DSCRO and data is passed to the North England Commissioning Support Unit (NECS) for final data quality checks and publishing to the CCG.
4) NECS passes the data to the CCG for addition of derived fields, linkage of data sets and analysis.
5) CCG completes aggregation of required data for CCG management use – disclosing any outputs at the appropriate level.
6) CCG links data across providers to see patient journeys for pathway or service design, re-design and de-commissioning.
7) CCG links data for checking regular service attendees to improve early intervention and avoid admissions. Checking regular service attendees to improve early intervention and avoid admissions.