NHS Digital Data Release Register - reformatted
NHS England Direct Commissioning projects
34 data files in total were disseminated unsafely (information about files used safely is missing for TRE/"system access" projects).
Project 1 — NIC-69431-K1K8R
Opt outs honoured: N
Legal basis: Health and Social Care Act 2012
Purposes: ()
Sensitive: Sensitive
When:2017.06 — 2017.05.
Access method: Ongoing
Data-controller type:
Sublicensing allowed:
- SUS Accident & Emergency data
- SUS Admitted Patient Care data
- SUS Outpatient data
- Local Provider Data - Acute
- Local Provider Data - Ambulance
- Local Provider Data - Community
- Local Provider Data - Demand for Service
- Local Provider Data - Diagnostic Services
- Local Provider Data - Emergency Care
- Local Provider Data - Experience Quality and Outcomes
- Local Provider Data - Public Health & Screening services
- Local Provider Data - Mental Health
- Local Provider Data - Other not elsewhere classified
- Local Provider Data - Population Data
- Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Data Set
- Mental Health Minimum Data Set
- Mental Health Services Data Set
Type of data:
As per the Health and Social Care Act 2012 which amended the National Health Service Act 2006 and gave the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS England’s Statutory title), NHS England have statutory responsibilities to directly undertake the commissioning of the following services:
• Prescribed Specialised Services
• Secondary Care Dental
• Armed Forces
• Health In Justice
• Public Health
These services and responsibilities are referred to as Direct Commissioning and are covered by statute – DH Mandate to NHS England.
For the purpose of direct commissioning, only data pertaining to those directly commissioned services are disseminated to CSUs. The purpose of the direct commissioning BI service is to support only those services which are commissioned by NHS England. The data is proactively managed and identification is made to ensure any data which is utilised for commissioning and monitoring of provision contracts only covers areas where there is a clear need to do so.
This is a new agreement for NHS England to use data which has been pseudonymised in line with the ICO Anonymisation Code of Practice to provide commissioning intelligence to support the commissioning and contracting of health services. The data is required to ensure that analysis of health care provision can be completed to support the needs and health profile of the population within the NHS England demographic area based on the full analysis of multiple datasets.
No record level data will be linked other than as specifically detailed within this application/agreement. Data will only be shared with those parties listed and will only be used for the purposes laid out in the application/agreement. The data to be released from NHS Digital will only be that data relating to the specific locality of interest of the applicant.
Expected Benefits:
1) Supporting Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) to review demand management and pathways.
2) Health economic modelling using:
(a) Analysis on provider performance against wait targets.
(b) Learning from and predicting likely patient pathways for certain conditions, in order to influence early interventions and other treatments for patients.
(c) Analysis of outcome measures for differential treatments, accounting for the full patient pathway.
(d) Analysis to understand emergency care and linking A&E and Emergency Urgent Care Flows flows.
3) Commissioning cycle support for grouping and re-costing previous activity.
4) Enables monitoring of:
(a) Financial and Non-financial validation of patient level data.
(b) Successful delivery of Sustainability and Transformation Plans with CCGs and Providers.
(d) Checking frequent or multiple attendances to improve early intervention and avoid admissions.
(e) Commissioning and performance management.
5) Feedback to NHS service providers on data quality at record level to run enable the challenge process and also at an aggregate level.
6) Financial validation of activity, budget control and the avoidance of misappropriation of public funds to ensure the ongoing delivery of patient care.
1) Commissioner reporting:
(a) Summary by provider view - plan & actuals year to date (YTD).
(b) Summary by Patient Outcome Data (POD) view - plan & actuals YTD.
(c) Summary by provider view - activity & finance variance by POD.
(d) Planned care by provider view - activity & finance plan & actuals YTD.
(e) Planned care by POD view - activity plan & actuals YTD.
(f) Provider reporting.
(g) Statutory returns.
(h) Statutory returns - monthly activity return.
(i) Statutory returns - quarterly activity return.
(j) Delayed discharges.
(k) Quality and performance referral to treatment reporting.
2) Readmissions analysis.
3) Production of aggregate reports for NHS Business Intelligence.
4) Production of project / programme level dashboards.
5) Monitoring of acute / community / mental health quality matrix.
6) Budget reporting down to individual CCG level.
7) Invoice validation checks and challenges for contracted and non-contracted activity (using pseudonymised data), addressing poor data quality issues, reports for business intelligence, budget reporting and business intelligence reports.
As per ongoing business-as-usual monthly reporting cycle (in line with the Direct Commissioning service delivery schedule)
As no identifiable data is released from any of the DSCROs, and there is no requirement for re-identification, Type 2 Objections are not applicable.
1) The DSCROs listed below receive a national feed of identifiable SUS data, Mental Health (MHMDS, MHLDDS, MHSDS) and DIDS.The DSCROs also receive local provider data flows directly from Providers (such as Patient Level Invoice Backing Dataset (PLD), High Cost Drugs data (HCD), Devices data and Conditions Registries, such as cystic fibrosis, TARN and spinal cord on behalf of NHS England for direct commissioning activity.
2.1 North of England DSCRO
2.2 North West DSCRO
2.3 Greater East Midlands (GEM) DSCRO
2.4 North & East of London DSCRO
2.5 South
2.6 Central Southern
2.7 South West
2) Data quality management and pseudonymisation of data is completed by each DSCRO.
3) The pseudonymised record level data, anonymised in accordance with the ICO Anonymisation Code of Practice, is passed to the respective CSU for the addition of derived fields, linkage of SUS and local provider flows, Mental Health (MHMDS, MHLDDS and MHSDS) and DIDs and analysis, contracting monitoring, reconciliation and invoice validation/ reconciliation of backing data linking based on pseudonomysed data only between SUS data and backing data.
4) Each CSU then passes the processed pseudonymised data and business intelligence reports to NHS England, who analyse the data to see patient journeys for pathway or service design, re-design and to support general commissioning and de-commissioning of services.
5) Patient level data will not be shared outside of NHS England. External aggregated reports only with small number suppression in line with the HES analysis guide can be shared where contractual arrangements are in place.